Soil Mixing Services, Inc.
EST 2005

Soil Cement
SMS produces soil cement, roller compacted concrete (RCC) and Bentonite/clay mixes by using central mixing plants (pugmills) that have been selected for their mixing efficiency, durability and high production rates. The central plants include screening systems to size the soil to meet the project specific gradations required. Mix design duplication is achieved by using PLC controlled systems that monitor and control the ratios of the soil, water, cement, fly ash and bentonite mixed. Mix design accuracy is typically +/- .1 %
Recent projects include:
Sana Ana River Mainstem Lower Santa Ana River Channel Reach 3 Phase 9
Owner: US Army Corps of Engineers / 17500 CY soil cement embankment
Santa Maria Levees-Bradley Canyon Extension
Owner: US Army Corps of Engineers / 25,000 CY of soil cement
California Street Landfill Phase III Expansion Project
Owner: City of Redlands / 37,500 CY of bentonite/clay low permeability material
Soil Mixing Services operates Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) permitted transportable treatment units (TTU’s) which are used for the stabilization/solidification of metals impacted soil. Stabilization of the Cal-Haz and RCRA impacted soils lowers the leachability of the metals of concern to a level that they are regulated as non-Haz and non-RCRA.
SMS TTUs are also used for addition of bioaugementation reagents to enhance contaminant biodegradation.
Recent projects include:
Whittaker-Bermite facility,Saugas, CA
250,000 tons of perchlorate impacted soil was processed with reagents to lower the perchlorate levels to meet the DTSC required limits
City of Industry, CA
130,000 tons of lead impacted Cal-Haz soil was stabilized allowing the soil to be regulated as non-haz
Former railroad facility San Francisco
8500 tons of cal-haz metals impacted soil was stabilized and regulated as non-haz
Lime-treated Aggregate
Soil Mixing Services pugmill plants meet the Cal DOT and Federal Highway Administration requirements for processing aggregates with hydrate lime slurry for the anti-strip marination process aggregates used in HMA.
Recent projects include:
Santa Rosa, CA
17,000 tons of aggregates was marinated with hydrate lime slurry for the Golden Gate State Park paving rehabilitation
Banning, CA
22,000 tons of aggregates were processed with lime slurry for a Cal DOT paving project on Highway 111
Saticoy, CA
Aggregates for various Cal DOT projects have been marinated with hydrate lime slurry at the Vulcan Saticoy facility
License info
DTSC Permitted
TTU Plants
CA LSB #871490
A General Engineering Contractor
HAZ Certified- Hazardous substances removal